Since 2013, Unity has been collaborating with St. Kitzito’s maternity ward in Mikumi (Tanzania) through a project for local support.
The volunteer osteopaths, specialized in pediatrics and in pregnancy, work closely with local medical personnel in the maternity and pediatric wards, offering osteopathic treatment to all the hospital patients.
During the mission, the volunteers are supervised by an osteopath assigned as project leader who, besides introducing them to the hospital life, is responsible for carrying out on-site training.
The valuable training that the volunteer will receive from discussion of the experiences and cases of patients treated every working day, will consist as well of daily meetings with the local medical staff.
The mission has a minimum duration of two weeks.
The small group of volunteers will have a supervisor assigned by the association, who will introduce and manage the work in the various departments of the hospital.
Living in the hospital, working hours and schedules will be assigned and, if neccesary, organization of night shifts in the maternity ward.
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